
Article Writing Format Class 10: Write Articles Like a Pro

In the field of writing, articles hold a special place. Mastering article writing is an important skill that can make...
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Notice Writing Topics For Class 10 with Examples

Notice writing, along with mastering the article writing format, is an essential skill that students must have to effectively communicate...
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8 Parts of Speech Chart with Examples | Class 10

Understanding the eight parts of speech is fundamental to mastering the English language, especially for students in Class 10. These...
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How to Write a Letter to a Friend: A Step-by-Step Guide for Class 10 Students

The prevalence of handwritten letters is declining in this era of extreme digitization. Writing letters could even be viewed as...
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Fun Ways to Learn Grammar for Class 10

We understand that tenses in English grammar and parts of speech in English can sometimes be a bit boring, but...
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Self-Introduction for Students: How to Make a Good Impression?

Anything that demands humans to speak in front of a group, induces an unknown fear within themselves. Be it a...
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The Ultimate Report Writing Format for Class 10 Success

Report writing, along with writing a notice and writing an article, is an important skill for every student in Class...
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How Many Hours Should I Study in Class 10? Find Out Here!

Class 10 is an important year in a student’s life. It’s the year when students often face their first board...
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7 Essential Study Tips for Class 10

Class 10 is a crucial year for students who are preparing for the board exams. For many students, stress and...
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Understanding the CBSE Grading System for Class 10

Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) is the most popular educational board in India with more than twenty-four thousand schools affiliated...
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