A student needs to understand and learn Voice in grammar. The student can create more engaging sentences after learning about voices.
It has two sections; Active voice and Passive voice. Here we have provided some useful practice sets on Voice that consist of Voice change, Fill in the blanks with examples.
You can also read about the Active and Passive Voice Rules Chart if you don’t have a clear understanding of it.
You can start practising after learning about Voice.
Active Voice: A Brief Introduction
In Active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the direct action. When a sentence is in Active voice mode, then the sentence starts with the Subject and the Object comes later.
Example: Usha is studying a novel. Here, the subject is ‘Usha’. The verb is ‘is writing’. The object is ‘a novel’. Here, the subject ‘Usha’ is performing a direct action. She is studying a novel.
So, we can say, the sentence is in Active voice.
Passive Voice: A Brief Introduction
In Passive voice, the subject becomes unimportant. The subject is not the doer of the action in Passive voice. The object plays a key role in Passive voice. In brief, the object in the active voice becomes the subject in the passive voice.
Example: A novel is being studied by Usha. Here, ‘A novel’ will be the subject. The verb is ‘is being studied’. ‘By Usha’ will be considered as the object here.
Here, we can say, the sentence is in a passive voice.
Let’s Start Practising Active & Passive Voices
Practising Active and Passive voice exercises is essential for reinforcing the understanding of these concepts. Class 10 students can engage in a range of exercises, including
- Sentence transformations
- Fill-in-the-blanks
- Comprehension passages
Exercises from Passive Voice to Active Voice
Change the below sentences from Passive voice to Active voice:
- The ball was kicked by the boy.
- Dinner was cooked by the girl.
- A lesson plan was written by the teacher.
- The mailman was barked at by the dog.
- The table was jumped on by the cat.
- The meat was cooked by Sarath.
- The essay was written by Salim.
- The kennel was cleaned by the attendant.
- The movie was directed by Christopher Nolan.
- The chemistry book was read by the students.
- The error was made by Andrew.
- The rings were found by Catherine.
- The proposal was denied by the board.
- The book was written by Lewis Carroll.
- The bold decision was taken by the CEO.
- The boy kicked the ball.
- The girl cooked dinner.
- The teacher wrote a lesson plan.
- The dog barked at the mailman.
- The cat jumped on the table.
- Sarath cooked the meat.
- Salim wrote the essay.
- The attendant cleaned the kennel.
- Christopher Nolan directed the movie.
- The students read the chemistry book.
- Andrew made the error.
- Catherine found the rings.
- The board denied the proposal.
- Lewis Carroll wrote the book.
- The CEO took the bold decision.
Exercises from Active Voice to Passive Voice
Change the below sentences from Active voice to Passive voice:
- The carpenter built the house.
- The reckless driver drove the car.
- My grandmother baked the cake.
- The committee wrote the report.
- The manager sent the email.
- The chef is preparing a delicious meal.
- The engineers constructed a new bridge.
- She will complete the assignment today.
- People speak Portuguese in that colony.
- The tide damaged the old dam.
- The girls are solving maths problems.
- A thief stole my car from the garage.
- My mother planted beautiful flowers on the lawn.
- The school awarded Bhavana the first prize.
- Softtech Solution has developed a new software program.
- The house was built by the carpenter.
- The car was driven by the reckless driver.
- The cake was baked by my grandmother.
- The report was written by the committee.
- The email was sent by the manager.
- A delicious meal is being prepared by the chef.
- A new bridge was constructed by the engineers.
- The assignment will be completed by her today.
- Portuguese is spoken in that colony by people.
- The old dam was damaged by the tide.
- The maths problems are being solved by the girls.
- My car was stolen from the garage by a thief.
- Beautiful flowers were planted on the lawn by my mother.
- Bhavana was awarded the first prize by the school.
- A new software program has been developed by Softtech Solution.
- The dog ___ by Sarah. [Feed/ Is fed]
- The trophy ___ by our team this year. [Is won/Was won]
- The students’ progress ___ regularly by their class teacher. [Is checked/Check]
- The mechanic ___ the car’s engine yesterday. [Was Repaired/ Repaired]
- She ___ a cake for the party. [Is Baking/ Was Baked]
- You ___ with all the necessary information by them. [ Will be intimated/ Intimate]
- The weeds in the garden ___ by him. [Are being trimmed/Trim]
- The principal ___ the student for misbehaviour. [Suspended/Is suspended]
- The teacher ___ the lesson to the students. [Explains/ Is Explained]
- My car ___ by myself yesterday. [Was fixed/Fixes]
- They ___ walk-in-interviews for 15 job posts. [Are conducting/Was conducted]
- A dacoit ___ red-handed by the villagers. [Catch/Was caught]
- His research ___ in a scientific journal. [Will be published/Publish]
- She ___ the managerial post by the company. [Was offered/Is offering]
- The audience ___ the band’s performance. [Applauded/ Is Applauded]
- The team leader ___ the task to his juniors. [Has assigned/Was assigned]
- Our cook ___ a special dish for the guests. [Is preparing/Is being prepared]
- Several houses ___ by the storm. [Were destroyed/Destroying]
- The election result ___ by the committee next week. [Announces/Will be announced]
- A charity event ___. [Organising/Was organised]
- She ___ this book to her friends. [Was recommended/Recommended]
- Burj Khalifa ___ by Mr. Adrian Smith. [Designing/Was designed]
- The company ___ Rohith a performance bonus. [Gave/Was given]
- Physics rules ___ in class by the professors. [Are explained/Explaining]
- The two brothers ___ the roof of the thatch. [Are fixing/ Was fixed]
- The police ___ the criminal yesterday. [Is caught/Caught]
- Devi ___ the task before Friday. [Will finish/Are finished]
- The members ___ the beautiful sea beach. [Are cleaning/Has been cleaned]
- The four walls of the room ___ pink by Shruthi. [Were painted/Paints]
- One candidate ___ for the job by the committee. [Has been selected/Selecting]
- Is fed
- Is won
- Is checked
- Repaired
- Is Baking
- Will be intimated
- Are being trimmed
- Suspended
- Explains
- Was fixed
- Are conducting
- Was caught
- Will be published
- Was offered
- Applauded
- Has assigned
- Is preparing
- Were destroyed
- Will be announced
- Was organised
- Recommended
- Was designed
- Gave
- Are explained
- Are fixing
- Caught
- Will finish
- Are cleaning
- Were painted
- Has been selected
Comprehension passages
Transformation from Active voice to Passive voice example:
Active Voice:
We need to explore the world of science and open doors to endless possibilities. Scientists do experiments, research unnatural extraordinary things, and create theories to explain various mysteries. They explore the depths of space, investigate microscopic organisms, and uncover the intricacies of our planet.
Passive Voice:
The world of science needs to be explored to open doors to endless possibilities. Experiments are made, and research is conducted on unnatural extraordinary things and theories are created to explain various mysteries by scientists. The depths of space are explored, microscopic organisms are investigated, and the intricacies of our planet are uncovered.
Transform the passage from Active voice to Passive voice:
A student should be involved in some kind of sport due to its numerous benefits. If a student participates in sports activities it can nurture his/her physical fitness, enhance stamina, and strength. It implements discipline, teamwork, and leadership qualities that are crucial for personal development. It offers a platform for making new friends and building social skills.
Transformation from Passive voice to Active voice example:
Passive Voice:
The history book was read by the students in the library yesterday. The lessons were learnt, and notes were taken. Explanations were given by the teacher, and questions were asked by students.
Active Voice:
Yesterday, the students read the history book in the library. They learned the lessons and took notes. The teacher gave explanations, and students asked questions.
Transform the passage from Passive voice to Active voice:
Geography is taught by the teacher every Thursday morning. Lessons about civilizations are presented during these classes. The whiteboard is used for explanations, and questions are encouraged to be asked by the students. The teacher is respected and admired by the class due to their knowledge and engaging teaching methods. Overall, Geography is considered an important subject by the school and is taught with enthusiasm and dedication.
Common mistakes students make in Voice change
Students sometimes commit mistakes at the time of Voice change. You can have a look at them to avoid them in the future.
- Not having a clear idea of Active voice and Passive voice.
- Using the wrong tense form while changing the Voice from Active to Passive or Passive to Active.
- Using the wrong verb form while changing the Voice from Active to Passive or Passive to Active.
- Not using the agent in the Passive voice even wherever it is necessary.
Students must learn voices in the tenth standard as it will help them to understand the relationship between action and the participants in a sentence. Students can improve sentence structures after learning about voice. Studying voice in school can help them to express effectively in both written and spoken communication.