Let’s navigate you towards excellence 

At Texas International Academy we embrace a framework that’s not only practical but also result-oriented. Our curriculum is designed by experts in the fields of intermediate education in Telangana and overseas studies that help students grab a spot in the top universities abroad.

We aim to prepare students to give their best in the intermediate public examinations, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), and Language Proficiency Tests simultaneously. All these efforts will be started from day one of the first year of intermediate as we strongly believe in the importance of proactivity in this incredibly competitive world. We will also aid students in getting eligibility for study abroad scholarships which will cut down their expenses to a significant extent.

We address one of the most crucial, yet very underrated aspects of overseas education and that is profile building. This is a very systematic process that we initiate from the class 11th itself so that our students stand unique in the crowd.

Secure Your Spot!

    Important Dates!

    Application Deadline Decision
    Enrolments Open 01-Feb-25
    Last Day for Enrolments 04-Jun-25
    Allocation of Classrooms & Hostel 05-Jun-25
    Commencement of Classes 07-Jun-25
    Home Sick Holidays 13th-Aug to 20th Aug
    Quarterly Exams 14th-Oct to 19th Oct
    Dasara Holidays 25nd-Aug to 04th Oct
    Diwali Holidays 20th-Oct-25
    Half yearly Exams 08-Jan-26 to 13-Jan-26
    Sankranti Holidays 13-Jan-26 to 21-Jan-26
    Prefinal- 1 29-Jan-26 to 03-Feb-26
    Prefinal- 2 26-Feb-26 to 02-Mar-26
    Board Exams 15 March 2026
    Call for Admissions