What is profile building?

It’s a process of presenting your achievements and interests in a non-verbal way. It’s like a portfolio of all your accomplishments.


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A strong study abroad profile gives a competitive edge over others with similar academic records as yours.


Different ways to build a strong study abroad profile: Here we go…


Online Courses & Certifications

Enroll in courses that are related to your area of study and showcase the certificate of completion in your profile.



It’s the best way to gain hands-on experience and this proves your interest in practical learning.


Research Work

Might be a tedious task but consider assisting those who are in research and request them to endorse your skills.


Personal Projects

Side hustles are always fun! So why not build something that solves a problem and boost your study abroad profile?


Volunteering Activities

Be involved in something from which you don’t expect anything This proves your interest in extracurricular activities.


What we have discussed is just the tip of the iceberg.  Want to get a complete overview?  You must read our complete blog now!