What is Language Barrier?

An obstacle that impedes a person’s ability to communicate due to a lack of knowledge in a particular language is known as a language barrier.


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Who faces it often?

Of course, overseas students as they struggle to communicate with students from different corners of the world.


Is there a solution to this?

No! Because this is not a problem at all…


Just follow these simple tricks so that Language never seems like an issue in your overseas education journey.


Learn to greet!

Learn greetings and basic vocabulary of the local language which helps in day-to-day activities.


Use Google Translate

Yes, we are not kidding. This tool can be a lifesaver when you are abroad.


Learn the language of locals

It’s going to be a lot of fun and helps you build a local network in your destination country.


Join Communities of your interests

This not only expands your network but also helps you get comfortable in an entirely new country.


Hunt for People Comfortable in English

No matter which country you pursue your education, it’s quite easy to find a good number of English speakers around you.
