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How to deal with cultural shock while studying abroad?

Educate Yourself

Make yourself aware of your destination country in advance. Research about the foods, language, culture, etc.

Get Involved

Move out of your comfort zone and start interacting with people from different cultures.

Connect with Locals

Learn the local language and make friends over there to not feel like living in a different world!

Do what you enjoy

Be it sports, music, or any other extracurricular activity. Be involved in what you like doing.

Take Breaks

Don’t force yourself all the time to get accustomed to the new culture. Do it at your own pace.

Seek Help

It’s completely fine to get help when you are not feeling comfortable in a new culture. So, don’t hesitate to seek it.

Stay in touch with home

Regularly get in touch with your family and share your experiences to not think about the new culture all the time.

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